May 2020

Welcome to the Friends of Beyond Newsletter

The Friends of Beyond Steering Committee agreed that a monthly email newsletter is the best method to communicate with Beyond residents in the intervening period up to the formation of the Friends of Beyond Incorporated Association. Its continuation after that point will be a decision for the newly elected Association Committee.

We are all beginning to look forward to an easing of restrictions related to the current pandemic of COVID-19. The care taken by the general public to ensure compliance with the restrictions has led to widespread mitigation of the effects of the virus. In the meantime, please continue to safeguard yourself and your family and practice all the recommended guidelines for your continued good health, as well as that of the wider community. As you are no doubt aware, our Victor Harbor community has a high number of persons vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19 due in great part to the age demographic. At the same time, many of us are experiencing great uncertainty regarding work and income security, childcare, schooling and study arrangements as well as isolation from loved ones. So please take care and let’s all commit to keep in touch and support each other through these unsettling times. We do enjoy a wonderful community spirit here at Beyond and many people are enjoying social interaction outside with locals, perhaps while gardening or walking, running or cycling for exercise. This is still possible whilst maintaining ‘social distancing’ guidelines. We are indeed fortunate to have access to the many beautiful reserves and public spaces here at Beyond. And it is this appreciation that is driving the Steering Committee towards formation of the Friends of Beyond Association to preserve and improve these community assets in conjunction with Alexandrina Council and to foster community engagement amongst Beyond residents.


June 2020